mercredi 10 novembre 2010

g11 Las Vegas - Más de 1 000 personas sin casa viven debajo de la tierra vivent soyus terre

USA:  le "rêve américain" ou ... les réalités de ce paradis que les médias du capitalisme nous cachent ;
C' est à LAS VEGAS, la cité des casinos, des jeux, pour les richards et milliardaires.
Malheureusement, les textes sont en espagnol et en anglais.
Mais voici le titre: "Le peuple des tunnels de Las Vegas - Comment vivent mille personnes dans les labyrinthes inondés sous la ville de Las Vegas

La Vegas, plus de 1.000 personnes sans maison vivent sous terre... "
Les images parlent par elles-mêmes.

Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 4:17 PM
To: Raymond Chabert ; ; malenko, irina
Subject: Las Vegas - Más de 1 000 personas sin casa viven debajo de la tierra

Le peuple des tunels de Las Vegas - Comment vivent mille personnes dans les labyrintes innondés sous la ville de Las Vegas
The tunnel people of Las Vegas: How 1,000 live in flooded labyrinth under Sin City's shimmering strip

¿Cómo los defensores del sistema capitalista explican en el país más rico del mundo haya más de 1 000 personas que viven bajo tierra en la prospera ciudad de Las Vegas?
Explican el atrazo de los pueblos latino americanos, las "favelas" de Brasil, las callampas de Chile por explicaciones entre otras racistas: "Nosotros, estados unidenses, somos una raza superior, inteligente, cultivada, con una etica protestante y no con una religión feudal, el catolicismo.
Sin explicación cientifica, las explicaciones son racistas, dogmaticas o religiosas.
¿Y cómo los defensores del sistema capitalisa y de la democracia de Washington explican que milliones de ciudadanos estadounidenses no tienen un sistema de salud democratico, un sistema de educación democratico, una cultura democratica?  Porque el regimen capitalista no es capaz de dar una vida decente a miliones de estadounidense?  Pereza?
Solo los marxistas pueden explican como funciona la economia, la politica, el Estado.  El sistema capitalista es una sociedad de clase.  La clase dominante vive del robo de  una parte de la plus-valia (las ganancias capitalistas) producida por la clase obrera.  Los capitalistas viven gracias al Estado que maniene a los trabajadores, a los pueblos, a las naciones (indigenas, colonias, etc.) en la opresion (leyes, represión, ejercitos, policia, dictaduras) economica, politica y social.  Los pueblos son mantenidos bajo la dictadura de los capitalistas y los paises dirigidos por gobiernos entreguistas son saqueados por las transnacionales.  Lease el texto en inglés abajo del Daily Mail Reporter.
Antonio Artuso - Reconstrucción Comunista Canadá - - Montreal, 10 de nov. de 2010  
 Austin Hargrave Las Vegas tunnels

Subject: Fw: [] Below Las Vegs
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 09:31:27 -0500

Amazing!!!! horrible and unacceptable!
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 1:48 AM
Subject: FW: [] Below Las Vegs

 Is that the richest country of the world?!?!?  Triste     
En pleurs   Triste  look like a TV science-fiction serial!!  Extra-terrestre

The tunnel people of Las Vegas: How 1,000 live in flooded labyrinth under Sin City's shimmering strip

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 6:59 PM on 3rd November 2010

Deep beneath Vegas’s glittering lights lies a sinister labyrinth inhabited by poisonous spiders and a man nicknamed The Troll who wields an iron bar.

But astonishingly, the 200 miles of flood tunnels are also home to 1,000 people who eke out a living in the strip’s dark underbelly.

Some, like Steven and his girlfriend Kathryn, have furnished their home with considerable care - their 400sq ft 'bungalow' boasts a double bed, a wardrobe and even a bookshelf.

Austin Hargrave Las Vegas tunnels Deeper underground: Steven and Kathryn live in a 400sq ft 'bungalow' under Las Vegas which they have lovingly furnished with other people's castoffs
Austin Hargave

Austin Hargave
One man's junk... Tunnel residents have created wardrobes for their clothes and salvaged furniture to make the subterranean world more homely. However, there is little they can do about the water on the floor

Steven and Kathryn House proud: Steven and Kathryn have also compiled their own library - and constructed shelves to house it

They have been there for five years, fashioning a shower out of a water cooler, hanging paintings the walls and collating a library from abandoned books.

Their possessions however, are carefully placed in plastic crates to stop them getting soaked by the noxious water pooling on the floor.

'Our bed came from a skip outside an apartment complex,' Steven explains. 'It's mainly stuff people dump that we pick up. One man's junk is another man's gold.

‘We get the stuff late at night so people don't see us because it's kind of embarrassing.’
Austin Hargrave flood tunnels Flood tunnels: Amy lives in the labyrinth with her husband Junior. The couple lost their home after the death of their baby son

Steven was forced into the tunnels three years ago after his heroin addiction led to him losing his job.

He says he is now clean and the pair survive by ‘credit hustling’ in the casinos, donning second-hand clothes to check the slot machines for chips accidently left behind.

Astonishingly, Steven claims he once found $997 (£609) on one machine.

Further into the maze are Amy and Junior who married in the Shalimar Chapel â€" one of Vegas’s most popular venues - before returning to the tunnels for their honeymoon.

They lost their home when they became addicted to drugs after the death of their son Brady at four months old.

‘I heard Las Vegas was a good place for jobs,’ Amy said. ‘But it was tough and we started living under the staircase outside the MGM casino.

Austin Hargrave flood tunnels Home comforts: The tunnel people decorate of the homes and even lay scraps of carpet on the concrete floor to make it more comfortable
Las Vegas and tunnels Graffiti artists have turned this area of the tunnel network into a gallery: The channels stretch for more than 200 miles under the ground

‘Then we met a guy who lived in the tunnels. We’ve been down here ever since.’

Matthew O’Brien, a reporter who stumbled across the tunnel people when he was researching a murder case, has set up The Shine A Light foundation to help.

‘These are normal people of all ages who’ve lost their way, generally after a traumatic event,’ he said.

‘Many are war veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress.
‘It’s not known how many children are living there, as they’re kept out of sight, but I’ve seen evidence of them â€" toys and teddy bears.’

O’Brien has published a book on the tunnel people called Beneath The Neon.
These evocative images which show the community's astonishing way of life were taken by Austrin Hargrave, a British photographer now based in the U.S.
The show how the destitute and hopeless have constructed a community beneath the city and have even dedicated one section of tunnels to an art gallery filled with intricate graffiti.

Las Vegas Back above ground: The blazing lights of the strip give no indication of the city's dark underbelly




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